About Me

Hi Everyone…welcome to my kitchen!

My name is Sara and I’m a self-taught baker and writer. Being in the kitchen is my happy place; discovering a new recipe, measuring out the ingredients, getting the mixer going…it’s all so relaxing for me.

In a former life, I worked as a journalist for the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC), and I still freelance for the CBC on occasion.  I also write for PanoramItalia magazine, focusing on stories about Canada’s Italian community.

I’ve been baking since I was 12 years old.  I won’t tell you how long ago that is …but it’s been a while!  My earliest baking memories date back to junior high school where I first learned how to make chocolate chip cookies in home economics class.  I’ve baked countless cookies, cupcakes, pies and cakes since then and Sara’s Baking Blog is where I can share all my tried and true recipes with you.

Enjoy and happy baking!
